Career coach
Looking for a job
Looking for another job doesn't have to be difficult. We are happy to help you with:
Job interviews
With proper preparation, you can start your job interview with confidence. Read about:
Starting in your new job
The first day at a new organisation is always an exciting moment.
All blog articles

Selfcare and a good work-life balance
Benedicte Mbayi - Content Marketeer Hays Benelux
Can you be a people manager?
Do you see people management as the next rung on your career ladder, but not sure if you’re ready for the additional responsibility?
Here's your checklist to see if you are ready.
Salary negotiation
Hays Marketing
Six lessons running taught me about work and careers
Dean Stallard, Managing Director - Greater Bay Area
The non-management route to success
Hays Marketing
Still waiting for that promotion?
Hays Marketing
Achieve career success
Hays Marketing
Self-promote in the workplace
Hays Marketing
Personal development
Hays Marketing
Time management
Hays Marketing
Working efficiently
Hays Marketing
Tips for remote working
Hays Marketing
Lost your mojo?
Hays Marketing
How to increase self confidence
Hays Marketing
Working from home with kids
Hays Marketing
Working from home & wellbeing
Hays Marketing
Avoid getting overworked
Hays Marketing
Prevent a burn-out in your first job
Hays Marketing
Make an impactful start in your new role as manager
Hays Marketing
Create your own luck
Are successful people born for luck, or do putting in the hours and effort play a bigger role Create your own luck
Geoff Fawcett - Director Hays UK
First week new job
Hays Marketing
Your job interview
Hays Marketing
Eleven common job interview questions
Hays Marketing
Why do you want to work here?
Hays Marketing
Starting a new job
Hays Marketing
Nervous about your new job?
Hays Marketing

Soft skills that will help you find a job
Jane Bamford - Head of Technology Hays

Show your growth mindset
Hays Marketing
Telephone interview
Hays Marketing
A good first impression
Your interlocutor already forms an image of you in the first few seconds. Let this be as positive as possible. Read our tips for a good first impression
Hays Marketing
Looking for your first green job?
Fiona Place - Group Head of Sustainability Hays
Scared to apply for jobs?
Tom Osborne - Managing Director Hays Malaysia
Create a CV
Hays Marketing
CV template
Hays Marketing
Apply if you don't meet the criteria?
Nick Deligiannis - Managing Director Hays Australia & New Zealand

"What? That was part of the selection process?"
Hays Marketing
How to build rapport with your interviewer
Susie Timlin - COO at UKGI
Sensitive questions during a job interview
Usually they are asked in all innocence, but how to deal with questions that are sensitive or even discriminatory? Dealing with unsuitable quetions (Dutch only)
Hays Marketing
The journey to Net Zero
Recently, the transition to a green economy has been accelerating. The journey to Net Zero also requires upskilling your workforce.
Fiona Place - Group Head of Sustainability Hays
Create your LinkedIn account
It can work in your advantage when you have your social media in order. Here are some tips to be ready for the search for a new job. Create your LinkedIn account.
Hays Marketing
Benefits of a side job (while you study)
A side job that fits in with what you would like to do in the future, when you've greduated, offers many advantages. Read the b enefits of working while you study (Dutch only)
Hays Marketing
Tips internship
Hays Marketing
Working in the Netherlands
How do you find a job after moving to the Netherlands? Specially for you, we've made a 'Living & Working' guide. Download your guide.
Hays Marketing
Working abroad
When you want to work abroad it is important to know that different countries have different rules when it comes to creating a resume. What are the differences?
Hays Marketing
Tips for working parents
Gunther Malin - Team Leader Hays Marketing
Have your CV stand out
Hays Marketing
CV mistakes to avoid
Hays Marketing
Writing a cover letter
Hays Marketing
Cover letter - example
Hays Marketing
The power of an elevator pitch
Hays Marketing
Discover your strengths & weaknesses
Hays Marketing
How to stay motivated while applying for jobs
Hays Marketing
Finding a job after graduation
Hays Marketing
Seven time-saving job search tips
Hays Marketing
Networking tips
Use these tips to build a professional network, that can help you find your new job. Read our tips
Hays Marketing
Personal branding
Hays Marketing
Five myths about temporary work
The assumption that temporary work looks out of place on your resume, is just one of the misconceptions. What are your benefits?
Hays Marketing
Could you be a recruiter?
Recruitment is a challenging and fulfilling branch. At Hays we look at peoples personal strength and possibilities. Read more about working as a recruiter (Dutch only).
Hays Marketing
Soft skills
Check out our soft skills list: 6 skills you need today to build a solid foundation for your career. View the most important soft skills
Hays Marketing
A CV for freelancers
Hays Marketing
Hays Marketing

Het belang van personal branding
Merel Hasselo, Business Line Manager Hays Nederland
Blijven leren in een crisis
Investeren in leren tijdens een crisis, zoals COVID-19, is key. Voor zowel werkgever als werknemer.
Nigel Heap - Regional Managing Director EMEA and UK&I at Hays
De invloed van COVID-19
Ook binnen de IT sector zijn verschuivingen gaande, om organisaties te helpen aanpassen.
James Miligan - Director Technology & Project Solutions at Hays
Een opleiding tot recruiter?
Er is vraag naar goede recruiters, en mensen zijn zich niet bewust van de kansen.
Hays HR
Productiever zijn tijdens werk
Productief zijn tijdens uw werk wil niet zeggen dat u harder moet werken, maar slimmer.
Rob Teeuwen - MSP Manager Hays
Laat social media voor u werken
6 manieren hoe u Facebook en LinkedIn kunt gebruiken om uw eerste baan veilig te stellen.
Hays Marketing
IT'er kiest met detachering voor groei en interessante opdrachten
Door de onzekerheid rond Wet DBA zijn opdrachtgevers huiverig geworden ZZP’ers aan te trekken. Detachering wordt steeds populairder.
Hays IT Contracting