Our services

Hays is more than just recruitment; for instance, we can help you with your employer branding and provide you with management tips. On this page you will find an overview of all our services.

Permanent recruitment

Recruitment is about people. Our mission is to place the right person in the right job.


Recruitment flex jobs

Hiring experienced temporary workers provides great flexibility for each project when it comes to contract, budget and the kind of knowledge you are looking for.


Need experts to bridge a temporary shortage in workforce? Or would you like to engage external expertise for a time-limited project? Contracting allows you to find freelancers for specific projects.

Outsourced recruitment

As an expert in outsourced recruitment solutions, we deliver innovative recruitment services for managing your permanent and contingent workforce: MSP and RPO.

Programmatic job advertising

Our programmatic job advertising solutions helps you cut through the noise, attracting the best talent for your job openings.


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Employer branding

Employer branding

What are the advantages of a strong employer brand and with which digital resources can you win the 'war for talent'? With our advice on which tools to use, you can make your employer brand stronger.

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Hoe ervaren kandidaten uw sollicitatieprocedure?

Hays Young Professionals

Our Young Professionals Team is committed to guiding students in their first steps onto the labour market, in collaboration with schools.


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Our specialisms


When you need the right talent, we have the expertise to help

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