At Hays we believe that the right person in the right role can transform an organisation. The candidate’s opinion about the company is of great importance to attract the right employees. What are the benefits of a strong employer brand?

Employer Branding - Hays.nl

The recruitment market has been transformed by social media, smartphones and always-on connectivity, meaning employers need to use a more sophisticated and innovative approach to talent acquisition.

To meet this increasing demand, Hays has developed a suite of candidate attraction techniques, designed to find the right candidate for you, and showcase your employer brand.

What are the advantages of a strong employer brand?

Having a strong employer brand provides a positive public and general opinion about the company, which makes it increasingly attractive for potential employees to apply with the company.

In addition, good Employer Branding ensures immediate clarity to candidates about what kind of organisation they are dealing with. This makes it possible to quickly discover a 'cultural fit'.

External benefits of Employer Branding

  • Less time required to hire
  • Dormant and active job seekers are reached
  • Applicants are of higher quality
  • Public opinion changes positively

Internal benefits of Employer Branding

  • An increase in employee engagement
  • An increase in employee motivation
  • Employees stay with the organisation for a longer period
  • Reduced recruitment costs in the long term

Employer Branding is extremely important, regardless the identity of the organisation. Whether it is a young IT company that is looking for a very scarce Cybersecurity specialist or an organisation looking for the ideal Customer Representative: a strong employer brand ensures that the right match can be made more quickly.

Attracting the right candidates is not the only benefit a strong employer brand offers; your current employees will stay with your organisation for a longer period and the public opinion about the company becomes even more positive.

When is the time to take Employer Branding to the next level?

As you can imagine, employer branding is a valuable tool which can ensure you attract the best candidats. The following signals indicate that employer branding needs a better approach:

  • Your company does not receive enough application in general
  • Your company does not receive enough applications for a specific department / position
  • Your company does not receive enough qualitative applications
  • Your company has few Social Media followers
  • Your company wants to change its image
  • Your company has too little brand name recognition

How can you increase the visibility of the employer brand?

Thanks to an innovative and strategic approach, you can reach both potential and active job seekers and raise the "Employer Brand Value" to a higher level. Through Social Media Recruitment, Content Marketing Campaigns, Video Campaigns and a "Working at" site the brand identity will be optimally radiated.

To achieve a higher "Employer Brand Value" we use creativity that fits within the brand identity of your organisation. In this way a data-driven, optimised recruitment campaign can be developed.

If you think your employer brand needs improvement, please contact us to find out how Hays can help you.

Recruiting now?

We believe the right person can transform your business.

Increase your visibility

Employer Branding

Talent Attraction

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