DCS intro en


Are you looking to attract the right candidates for your vacancy more effectively? Our programmatic job advertising solutions helps you cut through the noise, attracting the best talent for your job openings through job board postings and online ads.

In today's war on talent, it's not easy to find the right talent for your vacancies. Our programmatic job advertising packages allow you to choose the best job boards to post on, and increase the visibility of your vacancy through online ads, with no extra work for you.

Are you interested in our Digital & Creative packages? Contact your consultant or fill out our contact form for more information.

DCS what's in it for you


  • Vergroot het bereik van uw vacature door te posten op verschillende populaire en/of niche-jobboards, in combinatie met online advertenties, en vind de perfecte match voor de job

  • Opteer voor een 'client branded' pakket en vergroot de zichtbaarheid van uw merk bij actieve en passieve werkzoekenden

  • Ons gespecialiseerde team zorgt voor alles: we plaatsen uw vacature, maken en monitoren de advertenties en leveren op verzoek rapportage na afloop van de campagne. Ondertussen selecteert uw recruiter de beste kandidaten.

DCS examples


We adverteren op verschillende kanalen, van jobboards tot Google tot social media.

  1. Generalist & specialist job boards
  2. LinkedIn job
  3. LinkedIn visual
  4. Meta ads (Facebook & Instagram)
  5. Google ads
  6. Reddit ads
  7. TikTok ads
  8. SEO re-write

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Recruiting now?

We believe the right person can transform your business.

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     By submitting this form you indicate that you are aware of our privacy policy that explains what we do with your personal data.

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Increase your visibility

Employer Branding

Talent Attraction

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