Eight basic rules for creating a CV

Updating your CV is the first step in the search for a new job. However, especially if it’s been a while, it can seem like a daunting task. With these guidelines you will easily overcome that challenge.

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An overall good look and feel, error-free spelling and grammar form the basis of a CV

Take your time to think about the content. Personalise your CV for each application and make sure the link between you and the position is clear to the recruiter. 

We discuss a few elements that will increase your chances of success below. 

CV layout 

  • Employers are flooded with CVs. Unnecessary mistakes can make your CV end up on the 'rejection' pile. 
  • To improve readability, provide enough space, apply a clear structure and use active sentences.
  • Bullet points are an easy way to maintain an overview and highlight information. 
  • Use a simple and clean font like Arial 10-12pt. 

How to write a CV: eight basic guidelines 

1. Name, address and contact details 

Include the phone number and email address you use the most. 

2. Personal profile 

In a personal profile, you can mention your ambitions and USPs in a few sentences. Make sure to show coherent links with the position you are applying for. 

3. Skills 

Make clear what you have to offer by drawing up a list of skills and work experience relevant to the position. Then look how they fit the requirements of the job. 

4. Work experience 

List all relevant work experience, with the most recent at the top. 

5. Results achieved 

Which achievements are relevant to the job? Present relevant results by making them concrete. 

6. Education and training 

Mention relevant education and perhaps training that may come in handy in the position you are applying for. 

7. Interests 

By stating your interests, you show how your personality fits in with the business you wish to work in. 

8. References 

If you can’t provide any recent references, simply indicate that they are available upon request. 

Download a CV template, or read about the most common pitfalls when writing a CV

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