Employee motivation

To remain with the same employer for a longer period of time, employees need more than a good salary and a nice job title. The question is not whether they find satisfaction in their work, but to what extent they are motivated. This depends on their relationship with you. Do you secure commitment or undermine motivation?

Employee motivation

Don't focus on only negative aspects

In the world of work, it is a fact that people need to be able to take criticism at times.

When trying to improve certain behaviours, managers must refrain from focusing excessively on the negative aspects and concentrate mainly on giving advice and emphasising the positive.

When employees are criticised, some lose courage and become afraid to work. Specialists in training and HR say that this problem arises from the fact that managers do not provide correct feedback and are insufficiently open to individual responses.

Attention and appreciation

If people do not receive professional recognition, they may express criticism themselves. They may blame themselves or look for a different job.

It is therefore important for you to express your appreciation. Often, a simple ‘thank you’ or ‘well done’ is enough to motivate.

In addition, if a particular employee is performing extremely well, the worst thing to do is to take his or her performance for granted. Without a sign of appreciation, the employee might start feeling that all of his or her hard work and effort are to no avail.

Compliments and rewards

Honour and acknowledge the achievements of your employees. At the same time, however, bear in mind that compliments loses their value if given in excess.

In addition, try to avoid offering congratulations in a sterile way, which can sometimes happen when a manager does not know how to behave in relation to an employee.

It is important for people to distinguish themselves through their success within the group. If they are automatically included in compliments of others, the best employees may lose motivation.
Managers must refrain from congratulating people for work that they must perform on a daily basis and that is in any case normal.

Although pay increases are appreciated, they are not the only way of motivating an individual. Sometimes, other aspects are just as important.

Three-quarters of employees who receive a counteroffer as an incentive not to leave, resign within six months anyway.

Working hard

Are your employees making the effort? Do they have motivating duties? Are you making use of their capacities?

Objectives and challenges guarantee that you will always get the best from your employees. Setting objectives is essential to making progress.

Team activities

Variation can bring colour into the routine of work. When planning team activities, make sure that they are suitable for everyone and that no one need fear being humiliated. Even if their purpose is to get people to relax, poorly thought-out activities will have the opposite effect.

Work atmosphere

A workplace at which people must work entirely according to strict rules may create an atmosphere in which employees blame the manager for imposing such rules. Rules of this kind often create a bad atmosphere in which employees feel that they are walking on eggshells. Such a situation can be prevented by encouraging communication through internal meetings and promoting personal development through the improved setting out of objectives.

Manage expectations

Making objectives and ideals priorities is very motivating. An individual cannot meet an expectation if he or she does not know what it is. If it does not entail too much paperwork, you could set your standards down in writing. This is not a magic formula to create the perfect employee but there are different techniques available to discuss expectations.

The most important ingredient required to continue inspiring employees is communication and the ability to listen for real. Continuously listening to individual needs and ensuring a good level of communication are key factors.

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