Burn-outs jongeren

Just graduated?
5 tips to prevent burn-out in your first job

Graduates sometimes expect something completely different from their first 'real' job, they can experience too much work pressure or – as a starter entering the world of work - don’t dare to say no. All these factors lead to an increased level of stress, which results in an increase in the number of young people with a burn-out.

Burn outs jongeren | Stress bij jongeren - Hays.nl

No less than 36 percent of work-related absenteeism is caused by work stress. How do you prevent a burn-out and reduce stress factors?

5 tips to prevent burn-out in your first job

1. Prepare yourself well and ensure sufficient guidance

A burn-out is a result of stress. You can reduce stress by preparing yourself well and by providing sufficient guidance.

So make sure you read up on the job and organisation, and know what is expected from you. The latter can be very liberating because you may no longer see the forest for the trees. It is therefore important to ask about these expectations and maintain frequent contact about these components with your manager.

2. Admit

One of the biggest problems among graduate employees is that they consider it weak to call in sick due to stress. The symptoms are not taken seriously and this ensures more room for burn-outs. It is therefore advisable to indulge in the stress and to seek for a solution. 

More than 1 million people in the Netherlands are suffering from burn-out related complaints, so, you are not alone in this.

As cliché as it may sound; get some rest. Don’t skip your (lunch) breaks and try to do things that make you happy in the evenings and especially during weekends.

3. Dare to say no

A major cause of stress among graduates are the unlimited possibilities to be online. It can be very tempting to check your email in the evening to save time the next day, but this is not good for your personal well-being.

So, dare to say no to yourself.

You might think you are making a good impression by showing that you also work (or are willing to work) in the evenings, but in most cases your manager would rather see you enjoy your free time and therefore be more productive and be more creative during office hours.

4. Stay fit

Exercising demonstrably reduces stress, so it is definitely advisable to do this regularly. Above all, it is important to grant yourself time to exercise and doing something that you enjoy. This way you ensure that you keep exercising, instead of just starting.

5. Find a mentor

A final tip to prevent burn-out is to find a mentor. As a starter on the job market it is valuable to have a mentor within the company. This person doesn't have to be specially designated for that, but by simply having frequent contact with someone who already has a lot of experience within the company, you ensure that you are less likely to be faced with unexpected situations. As a result, you are less concerned about unfamiliar situations and it causes a decrease in false or wrong expectations.

It is easier to prevent a burnout than to cure one, so try to follow the above tips carefully to reduce stress. The most important lesson is that you are mindful of the signals. Your intuition often tells you enough. You don't have to stop doing what you are doing right away, but by listening carefully to yourself you at least recognize the signs and can decide to maybe take a step back.

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