Video interview - tips for a smooth job interview

For some, the idea of a video interview is exciting. You might be new to it, but certainly in these times where many of partly work from home, don’t be surprised if your prospective employer suggests a virtual meet-up. With these tips you prepare for a brilliant (virtual) first impression.

Video interview -

Three tips for your video interview


There are lots of different potential platforms you could use for the interview, like WhatsApp, Zoom or Teams. 

With a video interview you are largely dependent on technology. Install - and test - the necessary programs and software in time and know what to do if things go wrong. You can prepare for the job interview and questions that are likely to be asked, but it's really up to you to make sure the technology doesn't falter.

So have a test run (e.g. with a family member or friend), checking lighting, screen and sound quality.

Things to consider

  • In most cases, the first thing that your interviewer will see is your profile photo and username, so ensure both are suitable and depict you in a professional light.
  • Think about what the interviewer will see in frame when looking behind you. The background needs to be clear and not distracting.
  • Dress as you would for a face-to-face interview – even on your lower half (you never know if you’ll need to stand up)

Practice and get comfortable

It’ll probably feel strange doing this. However, It is important that you are comfortable looking at a camera and speaking into a microphone. Video recording yourself speaking your interview answers out loud is also a great way to check your body language. 

Things to consider

  • Looking into the camera is important to make eye contact with the interviewer. 
  • Resist the temptation of looking at your own image on the screen 
  • There may be a delay in video calling or on the network connection. By rehearsing the interview with a family member or friend, you will become familiar with delays that the technology may have. 

During the video interview

Even if you’ve done all the above perfectly, you’re still at the mercy of the machine. Tech problems or issues with your internet connection may occur at any time. It’s important in these situations to stay calm and have an alternative contact detail – a phone number or email address on standby.

Things to consider

  • Look into the camera and react to your interviewer as you would in person, by nodding and agreeing and don’t forget to smile.
  • Remember to be prepared to experience time lags, so keep calm and avoid talking over your interviewer.
  • Asking questions is always positive, prepare some in advance.

A video interview will inevitably be used more so it’s useful to remember these points and establish your own way of interviewing comfortably over the internet. Through dedicated preparation and planning, you can ensure your interviews are always the most successful they can be.

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