With the huge importance placed on the safety of the digital infrastructure throughout the world today, organisations have a greater need than ever to protect their data, networks and other IT and informational assets. It’s also companies’ responsibility to their customers, service providers and shareholders, to have a resilient and competent cyber security team. This means that there are many opportunities for people looking for all types of jobs in cyber security in 2024.

At Hays, we’re seeing employers coming to us looking to fill security roles every day. We’ve taken a look at our data to identify the most sought-after roles, or “top five jobs”, so you’ll know how to develop your skills and where to make your move.



5) Security Architect

It’s the Security Architect’s job to identify potential IT and cyber vulnerabilities within an organisation. They work with other IT professionals within their own team, or even across teams and corporate functions, to identify and address vulnerabilities in order to reduce known cyber risks. As such, it’s important to have strong communication skills and work well as part of a team.

If you’re starting out as a Security Architect, it’s useful to have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a similar field, as well as some experience in computer programming and systems design within a related IT role.

4) Information Security Manager

The primary function of an Information Security Manager is to ensure that their employer’s informational assets (including people, processes, IT and networks but specifically data and other sensitive information) stay safe and secure.

This role involves designing and implementing the security policies, measures and tools which protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the company’s informational assets. It requires coordination between several functional areas to ensure that IT systems and key security processes are maintained and optimised at all times.

3) IT Auditor

An IT auditor identifies ways in which to improve and develop the existing security of a company’s implemented technical architecture. The purpose of an IT audit is to provide best practices, recommendations for improvement and “non-conformances”.

If you're looking for entry level cyber security jobs, this isn’t one of them. While you can develop certain skills in other roles, it helps to have relevant education and 3-5 years of experience in IT, as well as auditing experience (either internal audit or ISO 20000 or 27001 audits).

Why? IT Auditors must have a solid understanding of network and operational security, while physical and environmental security knowledge is useful. In addition to this, you’ll need to know the binding rules, regulations and directives for the industry you'll be working in. This includes knowing what the IT requirements are of NIS2 and KRITIS, to name a few of the more comprehensive rules governing cyber security.

2) Cyber Security Analyst

The shortage of Cyber Security Analysts today means that anyone able to analyse the maturity of cyber security processes or controls is going to find many opportunities for work.

In this role, it’s up to you to protect your employer’s networks from hackers and phishing scams leading to malware attacks. You’ll be analysing the company’s IT systems for any suspicious activity and investigate any data breaches. You’ll also use these insights to plan how to prevent attacks in the future and provide recommendations for continual improvement of the organisations IT architecture.

1) Cyber Security Engineer

At number one, it’s Cyber Security Engineer. We’re seeing employers looking for engineers at senior and junior levels all the time, so whether you’re starting out in security or you want to take the next step, this is a very good option.

Engineers help organisations to keep their networks safe from Cyberattacks by designing and implementing resilient IT solutions. This involves penetration testing and conducting assessments to identify IT, hardware, network and software vulnerabilities, as well as troubleshooting and making sure the right security controls are in place.

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