Manage your career

Careers are ever evolving. We aim to provide you with information, tips & guidance to help developing your career. Browse the list of articles below to learn about personal branding, common career mistakes, seeking your work motivation or tips for working from home.

Thuis werken -

Tips for remote working

Working from home starts with a good remote workplace. You'll succeed with these 8 tips.

Tips remote working

werkmotivaite -

Lost your mojo?

Could your work motivation use a boost, and would you like your mojo back?

How to increase self confidence

How to increase self confidence

Confidence is a mind-set which comes from within, and it’s attainable for all of us. With that in mind, choose to be confident by following these seven steps:

Thuiswerken met kinderen -

Working from home with kids

Our working from home parents are happy to give you tips and advice so that you can make working from home a success together.

Thuiswerken & Welzijn -

Working from home & wellbeing

Do you pay enough attention to your well-being while working from home? Use these tips to ensure a good balance when remote working.

Overwerkt raken voorkomen -

Avoid getting overworked

Avoid getting overworked during this home working period. We share 7 tips to deal with this properly and to prevent stress.

Persoonlijke ontwikkeling -

Personal development

Here you will find practical tips for your personal development. You can also download a free development plan.

Time Management -

Time management

Time management offers tools to organise your work in such a way that you have the overview again and gain control over your To Do list.

Efficiënt werken -

Working efficiently

Being productive at work is not about working harder, it's about working smarter. 11 tips how to start working efficiently.

Tips working efficiently

Salarisonderhandeling -

Salary negotiation

Many people find discussing their salary expectations a daunting prospect. To help you prepare and confidently discuss this subject, we share some tips.

Get prepared for your salary negotiation

Doorgroeimogelijkheden vergroten -

Achieve career success

Here are six things you need to habitually commit to if you want long-term career success.

6 tips to achieve career success

Jezelf profileren -

Self-promote in the workplace

None of us like a loud mouth; but speaking out about your successes is important to be able to grow in your career. How to self-promote in a decent way?

6 lessons running taught me about work and careers

If there's one thing we can learn from sports heroes, it's that our challenges and failures mold us into the successful professionals we want to be.

6 lessons

Carrière maken zonder managementambitie -

The non-management route to success

Do you want to grow in you career, but you don't aspire to a management role? Fortunately, there are other opportunities.

How to take the non-management route?

Still waiting for that promotion?

To a certain extent, you are in control of your job promotion. But if you see too little progress, what is your action plan?

Promotion in 4 steps

Klaar voor een rol als manager? -

Can you be a people manager?

Do you see people management as the next rung on your career ladder, but not sure if you’re ready for the additional responsibility?

Here's your checklist to see if you are ready.

Goede voornemens na de zomer -

7 career resolutions you can actually keep

How can you create a set of career resolutions that will stimulate actual, meaningful change and that you can actually keep?

Here are a few ideas

Maandagochtendroutines -

Your Monday morning guide to career success

Of all mornings, the first morning of the week, Monday, is the key to success.

Take advantages of Monday morning

Tips carrieredoelen -

'SMART' goals & examples

In this article, we'll show you how to set clever and SMART career goals, so you can take targeted action.

SMART goal setting

Theorie omzetten naar praktijk -

Converting theory into practice

How do you put what you have learned into practice? Because the goal is, of course, to improve performance.

Converting theory into practice (Dutch only)

Leer nee zeggen -

Learn to say no

Sometimes it's necessary to say no. Learn what to consider, and if you need to say no; to do it in the right way.

Learn to say no

Meest gemaakte carrièrefouten -

7 common career mistakes

Prevent these career mistakes and maintain focus and passion for your work.

7 common career mistakes

Performance appraisal

Performance appraisal

Do you have your performance appraisal soon, but you don't know where to start with preparing for this?

6 tips for you appraisal

nieuwe skills leren -

Upskill yourself outside of the office

The world of work is ever changing, requiring candidates to not only keep their skills updated, but also learn new ones.

8 ways to upskill yourself

How to prepare for life as an interim

Becoming an interim is sometimes viewed as a career move often reserved for the risk-takers and mavericks, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

Preparing for a live as interim

Wees open-minded -

Be open-minded

With a flexible approach to your career and knowing that moving around is more acceptable than it was in the past, exciting prospects can present themselves.

5 reasons to be open-minded

Beweging -

Stop being so busy all the time

Why is now the time to un-busy our working lives and how can we, on a practical and realistic level, train ourselves to stop with all the busyness?

Here're a few thougths

Programmeren leren -

Learn to code

The language that’s becoming more and more popular is the computer language coding. Here’s why you should learn to code – even if it’s not your job."

Afschakelen na werk -

Switch off from work

We often work from home, which blurs the line between our work and home life. How can you switch off from work??

Liever thuiswerken dan op kantoor -

Rather working from home than at the office?

Do you appreciate the benefits of working from home,  and would you rather do this than go back to the office? This is how you start the conversation with your manager.

Vergadering voorbereiden -

Prepare for a meeting

Your first board meeting or conference? This is how to prepare for a meeting to the fullest extent and arrive to the meeting better equipped.

Een andere baan zoeken -

Time to change jobs?

How do you know whether you would be happier if you change jobs, or stay where you are? Use our checklist to figure it out.

Always ready for a new challenge

A new challenge can come your way, even when you are not actively looking at all. Here's how to always be ready for a new challenge.

Career advice -

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